Friday, June 15, 2018

Epigram of Today

A genius discovered and estimated during his lifetime according to merit, must either reach an unusually old age, or have secondary character traits that seem to betray some kind of mediocrity alongside his unusual gift, such as vanity and an ardent desire for attention, since otherwise he would be neither palatable, nor digestible, to the general public.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Epigram of Today

The best way to prevent yourself from further reading of a single writer is to buy his collected works. Few things have a more discouraging aspect than volume after volume of the same appearance and name. And although too much of a good thing can be wonderful, as Mae West said, this truth does not apply to authors.  

Monday, June 4, 2018

Epigram of Today

A lock to which there is no key can still serve the purpose of keeping a door closed. But a key to which one can not find a lock is an utterly useless thing. 

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Epigram of Today

A non-poignant epigram is like a blunt sword. But even a sharp point is useless if it doesn’t hit its target. To cultivate a poignant style, one must first aim accurately.